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Let's Make your science lesson easier...
So Who is
The Teaching Astrophysicist?
Hi, I’m Oliver. I love space, dinosaurs, and sharks—just to name a few of my favorite things. Now that we’ve covered the essentials, let’s dive into the details. I create useful resources designed to save time and effort for myself in the future. The good news is that I’m sharing them so others can benefit too. Science is amazing, and that is something worth celebrating and sharing, let's do it together.
so far...
So what are teachers saying with their 5 star reviews of my resources?

A good way to get students to work on their literacy skills, while still feeling like they are learning about chemistry in a more relevant/ tangible way.
Madeleine B. - Chemistry

This was a wonderful source to show science in the world and have some fun. I used articles with a variety of classes. I enjoyed that a variety of science disciplines were covered.
Rachel M. - Middle
School Sciences

It is a great resource and my students like it. The direction is clear and brief. The activity is sequence in a manner of easy to hard.
Alexandra A. - Earth Sciences
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